Muhammad Nazar

Muhammad Nazar, S.Ag. (born in Ulim, Pidie Regency, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, July 1, 1973), is current Vice-Governor of Aceh, Indonesia[1] for the 2007-2012 term in office. He was elected in the 2006 Acehnese regional election along with Irwandi Yusuf who was elected governor.

Muhammad Nazar was a lecturer in IAIN Ar-Raniry until his victory, and former Head of Acehnese Referendum Information Center (SIRA).


  1. ^ Warsidi, Adi (15 September 2009). "Human Rights Commission: Stoning Violates The Existing Law". Tempo magazine (Indonesia).,20090915-198158,uk.html. Retrieved 3 January 2011. 
  1. Muhammad Nazar Center.